Mrs. Ambe works in Duisburg Nord Rhein Westfalen as a junior educational staff. She plays an active role in promoting the Bafut cultural association in Germany. She heads the secretarial Team, and she is the event coordinator of all “Inland projects”. She is also a member of the finance and resource mobilization team.

Thecla Mbunwe
Mrs. Mbunwe is an Investment funds banker in Brussels Belgium. She is the Founder and CEO of African Beauty International and in the Board of Nso cultural association “Bongkisheri” and NFU Europe. Her function is to oversees all the activities of the organisation, represent the organization in occasions, administrate, and moderates the meetings. Mrs Mbunwe heads the Network and humanitarian Team, and she is a member of Finance and resource mobilization team.

comfort ambe
1st vice Chairlady

Celestine Dingkah
2nd vice Chairlady
Mrs. Dingkah works with the Catholic Church in Baselland Switzerland as Sexton and event manager. She is a human rights activist; she co-founded African Women for Empowerment and has participated in several UN-human rights Sessions in Geneva. Celestine is a member of Courage Swiss branch.
Mrs. Dingkah is the Lead Coordinator of Sub-Sahara projects and a co-coordinator of the Diplomatic, Network and humanitarian teams. She also assists in the Communication Team and in the secretariat

Jenny Tausch-Buhr
finance Treasurer
Mrs. Tausch-Buhr works as a social pedagogist in Hamburg Germany. She is a Board member in the German Evangelic church (Ev.-luth. Bugenhagengemeinde Rönneburg). She is a human rights activist and passionate in carrying out humanitarian activities. She is board member of African Women for Empowerment e.V. Mrs Tausch-Buhr is a member of Courage Hamburg branch.
Mrs. Tausch-Buhr heads the Finance and Resource mobilization Team. She is the Lead Coordinator of the Communication Team, assist in the secretariat and a co-coordinator of the Network and Humanitarian Team.

Jerioth Nchang
financial secretary
Mrs. Nchang works as a Rural territory management officer in Trieste Italy. She is a human rights activist and a Board of African Women for Empowerment e.V.
She a member of the Financial and Fundraising Team. She also assists in Communication and advocacy teams.

Eleanor Hagen
Mrs. Hagen serves as a Refugee and Immigrants Integration Officer in her municipality Munich Germany. She is a passionate human rights and humanitarian activist. She is in the Board of African Women for Empowerment e.V. Mrs. Hagen also is a member of Courage Munich branch.
Mrs. Hagen Spokesperson of the organisation. She is a co-coordinator of the Communication, Diplomatic and Advocacy teams.